Thursday, May 28, 2009

Enemies Fall in Love


It all took place at Verona where two families hated each other to death. But an unexpected love happen between Juliet (Capulet) and Romeo (Montague). They knew their love couldn't be since the beginning but they stayed together until the end of their life's. These two lovers had to die to show their parents the Capulet's and Montague's that they should make peace. Now, after this tragedy nothing will be the same at Verona.

Romeo Profile:
Romeo is a Montague who is about 16 years old. He is a young man who is good looking, smart, and sensitive. Who acts without thinking which makes him look immature. But, he is all about proving and showing his love to Juliet. Benvolio is Romeo's cousin and he thinks that Romeo should stop thinking of Rosaline because there are more fishes in the sea. Friar Lawrence is Romeo's confident and the one that gives Romeo advice so he could accomplish his goal of marrying Juliet.

Juliet Profile:
Juliet is a Capulet who is 12 years old. She is a girl who starts growing up fast ever since she met Romeo. Nothing stops Juliet from being with Romeo not even what her parents or Nurse have to tell her. The Nurse is an older woman who has taken care of Juliet ever since Juliet was a baby. Nurse wants the best for Juliet that's why she doesn't want her to make the mistake of staying with Romeo when she could have a perfect life with Paris. Nurse believes Juliet could learn how to love Paris.

Statements from a Capulet
I was interviewing Nurse and she has a few things to say about this tragedy. "They just wanted to be together. Oh, my poor Juliet she didn't deserve to die. She was like a daughter to me. All I wanted was for her to be happy. I should of taken care of her. Maybe, if I knew what were her plans this would of never happen. Oh, my life would not be the same without my Juliet."

Statements from a Montague
I was interviewing Benvolio and he had a few things to say about this tragedy. "Why did he had to fall in love? She was a Capulet. My cousin, my cousin Romeo always fell in love with the wrong girls. He never had luck. Maybe, if I had shown him to play girls instead of falling for them he would of never died. He wouldn't of killed himself for a girl. But, now I can't do nothing about it."

Now, after this tragedy the Prince is going to make justice.The Prince has made the decision to make the Capulet's and Montague's live together until they learn how get along. But, if they can't both households will have to leave Verona forever.The Prince is putting on trial Nurse and the Friar Lawrence because they were the ones that knew that Juliet and Romeo got marry. It was obvious for Friar and Nurse to know that by Romeo and Juliet marrying it was going to bring huge problems. The truth is that I heard from the people of Verona that they believe is the Friar's fault of Romeo's and Juliet's deaths because he was the one that gave the fake poison to Juliet and knew about her plans.

Monday, March 9, 2009

My Views on Euthanasia

I don't think euthanasia is the best way to end someones life. No human has the right to take others life away but sometimes is the most reasonable thing to do because that person stops suffering. For example, I think that the Dad from Italy made the right decision because deep down his daughter was drawn of being connected with tubes. Seventeen years being in the hospital had become her tenement. As, it goes for the Dad that killed his own family I think that he was very bewildered. The action that he made must of been because he had an anguish problem, if he had relax he wouldn't of done what he did. I know that by him and his wife losing their job made him feel like a bindle and by killing his family he taught he was doing the right thing. He is not the only one who is going through this situation, this man gave up too fast. His kids deserve the chance to live. Finally, if I was artificially alive I would want my family to disconnect me. I don't want to suffer or make them suffer.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"MERCY" Killing!

1a. Explain George's perspective for what he did to Lennie.

George's perspective for what he did to Lennie was his only option left. He knew that either way he was going to die because Curley was coming after him. If Curley would of found him first he would of tortured Lennie really bad. George didn't want Lennie to suffer no more. Running away from place to place and never having somewhere stable was not what Lennie deserve.

1b. Do you think that was the best thing to do for Lennie?

I do think that was the best thing for Lennie because he was never going to stay out of trouble. By Lennie killing a person he had cross the limits. Although he didn't do it on purpose that is an example of him not having control of himself. Lennie was never going to be happy because he had the pressure that if he did something wrong he was not going to be able to tend the rabbits.

2a. Using a "quote" to support your response, explain the father's reasons for what he did.

For example,"Eluana Englaro, who had been in a vegetative state for 17 years, died Feb. 9 in a clinic in the city of Udine after doctors removed her feeding tubes. She was 38." In other words, it had been a long time that his daughter had been in the hospital. He had lost hope that his daughter will get cure. He taught it was time to let her rest because she was never going to be the same girl.

2b.Using a "quote" to support your response, explain if that was the best thing to do for the daughter.

Another example, "The court accepted that before the accident, his daughter had expressed a preference for dying over being kept alive artificially." Yes, it was the best thing for the daughter because it was something she wanted. When she was with her five senses she made the decision that she wouldn't want to be kept alive by tubes. The dad had of done this long time ago because that was her last wish.

2c.Do you agree or disagree with what the father did? Why?

Yes, I do agree with what the father did although I don't think I would of had the heart of making this decision myself. I guess it was the best thing after all because by me seeing her all the time laying on that bed I will suffer also. It will hurt me that she will be connected with so many tubes.I would be conscious that she would never be the same person. I had waited already 17 years without any improvement and the most reasonable thing do is to disconnect her.

3a.Imagine and list things that might have been going through the father's mind as he contemplated his "mercy" killing. (In the article, the father's suicide note gives specific evidence of why he did what he did. Elaborate on it.) Specifically, what could he have been negative or paranoid about?

I think that some things that might have been going through the father's mind as he contemplated his "mercy" killing was that it was the best thing for them. He and his wife decided that there was no better hands to leave them with. He had been negative or paranoid about the economy, since both of them lost their job he didn't see no other way out. He probably taught that they would never be able to get another job and that they will suffer and make their kids suffer. For example, they could lose their home and they wouldn't have money to eat or things like that. He love them so much that he wasn't going to be strong enough to take that.

3b.Unfortunately, with America's failing economy, many professionals are losing their jobs. While many do not resort to something as extreme as the man in the article, it does cause stress within families. What are some ways that parents can support children (to succeed in life) that do NOT require money?

Some ways that parents can support their children (to succeed in life) without requiring money is by telling them to continue in school and do their best. They could also tell them not to worry, that they will always be there to help them out. Something important that the parents could let their children know is that that they care for them a lot. In other words, parents should tell and show their kids that they love them.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lord of The Flies New Version

1b. This person is Nicholas Cage and he will play Ralph. Nicholas will play Ralph because in all his movies he is the wise person who makes the best decisions like Ralph. He is also most of the time the leader or the main character just like Ralph. Ralph is a boy who gets along with everyone and when Nicholas play a role in National Treasurer Hunter he work with everyone in a team. Both of them are positive that they will get things done just like the role he play in Ghost Rider. They never give up.

2b.This is Venom and he will play the role of Jack. Venom and Jack have always wish to be leaders but have never had the chance. They both think first of themselves and then of others. Venom and Jack want things to get done their way all of the time. Venom and Jack will damage somebody physically. Their not scared of anything and the best thing that they do is to hurt others.

3b. This person is London from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and she will play Piggy. Although both of them could be very different London and Piggy's opinion is not that important for others. They both would be afraid of anything. London and Piggy wouldn't survive in a island if they didn't have somebody by their side. Piggy and London don't have the capability to handle big situations like being stuck in a island. London needs her perfect world to be complete and Piggy needs his inhaler to be complete.

4b.This person is Kiely Williams and she will play the role of Simon. She connects a lot with him from the role she play in The House Bunny. In that movie she was very shy just like Simon is. Both of them will sometimes talk. Simon and Kiely would need something or someone to communicate them with people. Simon will need to tell Piggy so he could of tell everyone else and Kiely will text to one of the girls so she could tell everyone else. Both of them are not confident.

5b. This person is Doctor Octopus and he will play the role Roger. Doctor Octopus will play a good team mate will Venom AKA Jack. Roger and Doctor Octopus are both bad guys. They both will take any risk. One thing that both of them are good at is not thinking before they act.

6. The Beastie


7b.Some things that I will change of the story is the setting I want it to take place in the mountains, I want girls to take roles, none of them are kids, instead of glasses London is going to carry a mirror, and the only survival will be Kiely Williams AKA Simon.