2)"The argument in steps
-a person should accept the consequences of risks that she knowingly and willingly takes
-a woman who willingly has sexual intercourse knows that she takes the risk of bringing a fetus/moral person into existence
-therefore a woman who becomes pregnant should accept the pregnancy as the consequence of taking the risk involved in sexual intercourse
-therefore the woman has a duty of care to the fetus/moral person
-therefore she should allow the resulting fetus/moral person to be born
-therefore she should not abort the fetus/moral person"
3)I agree with the statement because people must be responsible of the risk they take by having sex. I also agree that women should take care of the fetus at least when they have them in their womb. That's why they should have the baby and give it to adoption.
4)"Death is a bad thing because it deprives people of all the experiences, activities, enjoyments, projects that would make up their future personal life."
5)I agree with the statement because death stops a human from reaching goals and that's not right. I also, agree that premature death is something unfair because the fetus is already forming. That's why is bad to kill a fetus that is already a part of you and that in the future could make a change in society.
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